Millennium Milepost Design
I was commissioned by Sustrans Scotland to facilitate workshops with Cycling without Age Scotland, and use the outcomes to co-create a new design for Dundee waterfront’s Millennium Milepost.
The Millennium Mileposts were installed all over the UK to celebrate the year 2000, and mark the routes of the National Cycle Network.
I facilitated workshops with Cycling without Age Scotland volunteers, Alzheimer Scotland and Mid-lin day centre to reminisce about the waterfront area, and create design concepts for the sculpture’s design.
The themes were combined into a design focussed on different forms of movement at the waterfront, in the Tay’s waves, active travellers, nature and architecture. Some things to spot include the rail bridge, road bridge, RRS Discovery, HMS Unicorn, the Royal Arch, the waterfront’s resident ducks, and lots more creatures you can spot in and over the Tay.
Workshops and Community Engagement
Workshop Structure
In order to provide a starting point on reminiscing about the waterfront’s past, lots of photos were printed of the area and surrounding buildings that are no longer there.
Inspiration Walk
In the sessions hosted at Dundee Cycle Hub, an inspiration walk was incorporated into the workshop. I developed an activity sheet with space to populate with seen colours, imagery and words inspired by the area.
Creating designs
Using the waterfront from the past and present as inspiration, participants created their own individual or group designs for the milepost, using an activity sheet or painted template as an initial base.
Workshop Attendees
Cycling without Age Scotland
9 participants creating two collaborative designs
Alzheimer Scotland Daycare
6 participants living with dementia creating individual designs
Alzheimer Scotland Monifieth Drop-in Cafe
8 participants (combination of carers and people living with dementia)
Mid-lin Day Centre
8 participants living with dementia
Photos from the Workshops

Themes from Workshops
Active travel themes incorporating imagery of rollerskates, skateboards, bikes, scooters, prams and wheelchairs.
Play and exploration
Space for play, with urban beach and splashing in the water.
Embracing heritage of what used to be in the area, such as the Royal Arch, swimming baths and Empress Ballroom.
Feature elements of nature in the area, including seals, nature stories, such as seals, otters, birds and the Tay Whale.
Initial Designs
I brought together the concepts, visuals and colours developed during the workshops with the Cycling without Age volunteers, Alzheimer Scotland and Mid-Lin, to create concept designs for the milepost. The designs were inspired by the themes of movement explored through the sessions; in nature, active travellers and the Tay itself.
Creating the final design
During a very windy March and April, I painted the final design on the milepost, with the support of my sister. Here are some photos of the milepost in progress!